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Malay to English Translation: TERLENA by Hamka



Waktu berlalu
begitu pantas
menipu kita
yang terlena 

Belum sempat berdzikir di waktu pagi
hari sudah menjelang siang
belum sempat bersedekah pagi
matahari sudah meninggi.

Niat pukul 9.00 pagi hendak Sholat Dhuha
tiba-tiba adzan Dhuhur sudah terdengar..

Teringin setiap pagi
membaca 1 juz Al-Quran
menambah hafalan satu hari satu ayat
itu pun tidak dilakukan.

Rancangan untuk
tidak akan 
melewatkan malam
kecuali dengan Tahajjud dan Witir
walau pun hanya 3 rakaat
semua tinggal angan-angan 

Beginikah berterusannya
nasib hidup menghabiskan umur?
Berseronok dengan usia?

Lalu tiba-tiba menjelmalah usia di angka 30
sebentar kemudian 40
tidak lama terasa menjadi 50

Dan kemudian orang mula memanggil kita
dengan panggilan “Tok Wan, Atok…Nek”
menandakan kita sudah tua.

Lalu sambil menunggu
Sakaratul Maut tiba
diperlihatkan catatan amal
yang kita pernah buat

tidak seberapa sedekah
dan infaq cuma sekedarnya
mengajarkan ilmu tidak pernah ada
silaturrohim tidak pernah buat.

Justeru, apakah roh ini tidak akan
melolong, meraung, menjerit menahan kesakitan
di saat berpisah daripada tubuh ketika Sakaratul Maut?

Tambahkan usiaku ya Allah
aku memerlukan waktu
untuk beramal
sebelum Kau akhiri ajalku.

Belum cukupkah
kita menyia-nyiakan waktu
selama 30, 40, 50 atau 60 tahun?

Perlu berapa tahun lagikah
untuk mengulang pagi, siang,
petang dan malam?

Perlu berapa minggu, bulan,
dan tahun lagi
agar kita bersedia
untuk mati?

Kita tidak pernah merasa kehilangan
waktu dan kesempatan
untuk menghasilkan pahala

Maka 1000 tahun pun
tidak akan pernah cukup
bagi orang-orang yang terlena.




Time slips past
As we stay oblivious
Deceiving those
Who remain heedless 

We barely have time for morning Zikr
When all too soon daylight creeps in
We barely have time for morning Sadaqah
When all too soon the sun peeks out

At 9.00 we plan to pray Dhuha prayer
When suddenly, we hear the call for Zuhur

We've always yearned to
Recite one Juz of Quran each morning
Commit to memory one verse each day
Still, neither wish ever gets fulfilled

We keep telling ourselves
No more staying up late into the nights
Save for Tahajjud and Witir
Even if only for 3 Rakaats
Yet again, they just remain a wish

Is this how it's going to be
for the rest of our lives?
Merely enjoying our time?

When suddenly we've turned 30
Then much too soon we hit 40
before we know it, we're already 50!

Soon after, others start to call us
Grandpapa, Grandmama
A sure sign that we've grown old

Then while waiting for death
to take us away
Our record of past deeds
Parts open in display

Only then we realize
Our Sadaqah is a measly sum
Our Infaq barely suffice
Imparting knowledge we never did
Nor was Siloturrohim part of our deed

If so, how then will our soul
Not scream, not grief, and not wail in agony
As our soul departs our body
While struggling thru' Sakaratul Maut?

Extend my life, oh Allah!
I need time
to do good deeds
before you end my life. 

Has it not been enough
for us to idle away time
for 30, 40, 50 or 60 years?

How much more time do we crave
to repeat our mornings, our days,
our evenings and our nights?

How many more weeks, months,
and years do we need
until we are prepared
to face our death?

If we never feel the loss
Of the time and the chance
We have been given
To seek rewards

So even if we're given 1000 years
It would still never be enough
If we remain heedless





If you were to ask me what food I love most, I would say without a single doubt durian tops the list. My love for durian probably started even before I was born. I was so addicted to the spiky fruit that I failed to understand how anyone could have it in them to hate durian. Like my Aunt Effa, for instance.

Through the eyes of a kettle

The task was to write about a morning through the eyes of a kettle.

At 5.00 a.m. every morning, the maid would pick me up from the side table and carry me to the kitchen sink. She would take off my hat and hold me under the tap. Then she turns on the tap to let the cold water to gush through my hatless top and fill my body.

of Lose, Loss, Lost, and Loose... Oh, the misery!

Wearing a supposedly loose tunic top that is in reality too tight for my liking, I tried to lose myself in the crowd hiding from my loser friend, Zalore. She loses her head every time she sees me because I am the only friend she has.